Problems logging in?

  • Type your organization email in the field below.
  • If you have a user account, you will get a message with instructions to change your password or to activate your user account (check the spam folder, too). The link is active for 30 min.

Virtu login in an external network
Do you want to use eOppiva on your private or mobile device, but your organization requires a VPN connection for Virtu login?
  • Create a Moodle password for your Virtu account: type your email in the field below.
  • If you have a user account, you will get a message with instructions to create a password. (check the spam folder, too). The link is active for 30 min. The message also includes your ID, that is usually in the form
  • Sign in with your ID and the Moodle password. Use Virtu for signing in on your company device.

If you still have problems with your account or password, contact us at